Vortex Flameshield Gasoline storage tank

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The Flameshield range of gasoline storage tanks provide a safe place to store recovered gasoline from our range of vehicle drain racks.

With sizes from 500 gallons to 50,000 gallons we have Flame shield tanks to suit your needs.

Whether you need a horizontal or vertical storage tank, a Flameshield is an economical and reliable 
solution to your double wall tank requirements. Flameshield is a registered Steel Tank Institute product 
only available from an STI member.

Every Flameshield is manufactured to stringent STI specifications and is subject to the Steel Tank 
Institutes' Quality Assurance program. These tanks are available in either horizontal, vertical or rectangular 
designs with available full length box skids or saddles. 

The features associated with a Flameshield are:
1. 2 hour 2000* fire-test as required by Southwest Research Institute Standard SwRI 97-04, validates 
performance of non-insulated tanks
2.Primary and secondary tanks can be tightness tested on site with standard testing procedures, or 
manufacturer may ship with vacuum in the interstice to prove the integrity of both walls during installation.
3.Interstitial space can be monitored for leak detection
4.Primary storage tank and secondary containment compatible with a wide range of fuels and chemicals
5.Support designs available for all seismic requirements.
6.Capacities up to 50,000 gallons available at our location.
•Carries STI Flameshield™ and SwRI 97-04 lables 300° or 360° outer wall for secondary containment.
•Variety of approved supports available.
•Capacity ranges: upt to 50,000 gallons.
•Easily relocated.

Flameshield Fire Resistant double-wall aboveground storage Tanks